Library Services


All the members of council including project fellows i.e. SRF/JRF are the member of library.


  • An overdue charge of Rs. 1 per day per volume will be collected for returning the books after the due date borrowed by them. 
  • Members shall check the physical condition of the book while borrowing from the library. In case anything missing pages are torn it should be reported to the Circulation desk immediately.
  • Members shall not borrow damaged/ defective books.
  • The Library in charge reserves the right to recall any books from any member at any time. 
  • The transfer of books is not permissible.
  • Loss of book should be immediately reported to the circulation desk in writing to avoid fine.
  • Taking no dues from the library is mandatory for all the members.


Reference Books, Serial Publications, Reserve Books, Loose issues & Bound volumes of periodicals, Special collection books. However, this material will be accessible within the library.


Monday to Friday
09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Saturday,Sunday and Govt Holidays



  • Be a registered Library User
  • Present Library User Card on entry, borrowing books for home use
  • Present Student ID when borrowing books for hourly use, and Periodical/Reference Section.
  • Respect Library Rules and Regulations
  • Whisper while talking always
  • Use Library PCs only for research/academic works
  • Pay Library dues on time
DON'Ts :
  • Do not make noise in the Library.
  • Do not use cell phones inside the Library
  • Do not listen to music while in the Library
  • Do not sleep (no lodging) inside the Library
  • Do not talk loudly or walk noisily inside the Library
  • Do not carry bags and personal belongings inside the Library
  • Do not install or uninstall any software program(s).
  • Do not remove or plug in your own peripheral devices. 

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